Anyone who has ever read Dante Alighieri’s La divina commedia or “The Divine Comedy” (It was a required reading when I was in high school, and trust me, it was not an actual “comedy”) or watched the movie “SE7EN” would know about the Seven Deadly Sins, also known as the Cardinal Sins.
"Superbia" (高慢, Pride), “Invidia” (嫉妒, Envy), “Ira” (激怒 or 憤怒, Wrath), “Acedia” (怠惰 or 懶惰, Sloth), “Avaritia” (貪欲, Greed), “Gula” (暴食 or 貪食, Gluttony), and “Luxuria” (肉欲, 色欲, 性欲 or 好色, Lust) are Latin names for the Seven Deadly Sins.
欲 is the simplification of 慾.
After viewing the tattoo above, I would like to add “improvidus” and “ignarus” to the Cardinal Sins list.
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