Not only this is a tattoo with terrible penmanship, but all the characters are mixed between Simplified and Traditional version. The second character from the right 量 is upside down, and last character 功 is wrongly written. Here is what critiques say about this "artwork":
Randall: "Yikes!"
Angela: "Wah! Do I really need to count? This is such a horrible tattoo! I don't know why this 'phrase' is made up with both traditional and simplified characters. Second, the second and third last characters are up-side-down, and the second and last characters are actually the same character. I have no idea what the hell this tatto is supposed to tell people "Speed something something smart power?'." Brendan: "Oh, man. I can't even tell what a couple of those are supposed to be. Also, it looks like it was colored in using a marker or something."
Eden: "Man, there's just too many errors. I feel sorry for that guy..."
速度 = speed, velocity
权力 (權力) = power, right, authority
宗 = lineage, ancestry; ancestor, clan
智识 (智識) = wisdom, knowledge, intelligence
量 = measure, quantity, capacity
功 = achievement, merit, good result
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