Minggu, 30 Desember 2007

New Year's Resolution

For those who are seeking suggestions on new year's resolution, may I suggest stop getting tattoos from these templates?

Especially the infamous "Asian Font" seen here, aka. English alphabet in gibberish Chinese.

Rabu, 12 Desember 2007

Joanne Raine's "Supermarket" Tattoo

Apparently the big story across the pond in UK is a girl's tattoo. A young girl named Joanne Raine got her boyfriend's nickname tattooed on her with Chinese characters at a dodgy tattoo shop. Of course, they have since then broke up & the tattoo is not exactly the boy's name.

News links via BBC, The Northern Echo, & video via LiveLeak

The phrase "supermarket" is 超級市場 or abbreviated to 超市 in Chinese. I have no idea how and why was interpreted as "supermarket" in the news clips.

Update: Dec. 13, 2007 - I have emailed BBC regarding the error of interpreting as "supermarket" .

Jumat, 07 Desember 2007


Johan and I had a good laugh at this website called Kanjix, where its motto is "A good KANJI name for you."

Besides the Engrish plastered all over the site, their kanji examples are not what I would call professional quality.

We are both curious who would pay $19 for 800 pixel size jpeg & additional $9.50 for PDF (Why not just use PDFCreator, it is FREE!).

I suggest their slogan should be changed to:

(Engrish + Eihongo) * $ = Kanjix!

Update: I find it to be very ironic that Google Adsense is posting an ad about Kanjix.